
20 years andrea k. strigl – events & public relations

20 years andrea k. strigl – events & public relations

When I decided to start my own business 20 years ago, following the merger of BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group) and Sony Music, many people in my circle believed in me and supported me from the very beginning. Today, I look back with immense gratitude and humility, but also with a bit of pride at what I have built with my globally operating event and PR agency.

We have had the privilege to execute countless – sometimes spectacular – projects with major brands and consumer goods manufacturers, (international) musicians and rock stars, actors, decision-makers from the fields of business, as well as prominent figures from the worlds of art, culture, sports, politics, and media across the globe, and we always had a lot of fun doing it.

Therefore, my deepest gratitude goes out today to my family, my friends, my team, and all our wonderful business and media partners for their trust and continuous support over the years. Thank you. Love you. Keep on rocking!

Instead of celebrating a big party, we will instead continue to support a number of social projects.

Zu unserem Aufgabenbereich gehörte:

  • jubilee


  • LoveMyJob

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© 2025andrea k. strigl - events & public relations GmbH
All rights reserved

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